Veritas Summer Retrospective 2022 Well it’s all over now – summer that is. Labor Day is past, the kids are back to school, and harvest is in a damp swing.

September 13, 2022

Climate, Bottles, Bugs, and Summer Travels

Veritas Vineyard in the Summer

Revisiting the Sparkling Wine Saga As we all know, only sparkling wine that comes from the Champagne region of France is called “Champagne”. The rest of the world is stuck with using “sparkling wine” to describe their bubbly. And to their credit the “Champenois” have done a fantastic job branding Champagne. In so doing, they […]

December 8, 2021

How the English Helped the French Make Champagne

Merlot is a wine that to some people is bland and uninteresting and to others is their absolute favorite. Now if, for example, you want to drink a red wine that is soft, fruity, is easily affordable, and that doesn’t make you pucker with bitter tannins, then Merlot is for you. Similarly, if you are […]

October 18, 2021

The World’s Greatest Blender

A look back at the summer of 2021 If you think about it, what COVID has forced us to do is change in some way or another. Whether it’s the decision to wear a mask or get vaccinated, we have been forced into making a decision that in many ways could be considered a life […]

September 16, 2021

The Summer of Change

Ripening at start

This is the spring that we dared to hope for. What a difference a year makes! Last spring, we experienced the shutdown from COVID-19 and then the shutdown from frost. Not just one frost but two brutal events, two weeks apart that very nearly shut us down. This year is the reverse and we can […]

June 16, 2021

Veritas Newsletter – Spring Retrospective

Spring at Veritas

Efflorescence, or simply flowering, of the vines is one of the most sensitive and crucial periods in the life of a vine. If you remember in my last post I talked about crucial times in the life of a vine. At that time it was all about bud break when the dormant bud on the […]

May 26, 2021

A Day in the Life of a Vine – Flowering

Flowering Grape Vines

Winter 2021 Happy Benevolent Snow It was this time last year when we started to hear about this novel coronavirus and it was this time last year that we were forced to shut down.Our world as we knew it was turned upside down. The humdrum routines of daily life evaporated. It’s hard to imagine how […]

March 17, 2021

Veritas 2021 Winter Retrospective- Newsletter

Veritas Winery

Andrew Hodson’s Newsletter This season of mellow fruitfulness seems like and is like no other, as you may well say is true of everything about 2020.  Autumn is always my most favorite season of the year. The time when autumn leaves start to fall almost as declarative of a change in season as spring is […]

December 15, 2020

Autumn 2020 Retrospective

Summer 2020 Retrospective It’s the autumn equinox time to think back on the summer of 2020. Remember at the beginning of 2020 we came out with quips like I hope the year 2020 will bring us 2020 vision, a clear insight into what lies ahead. Well we all know that what we have seen thus […]

September 22, 2020

Summer Retrospective 2020

By Andrew Hodson, Veritas Winery in Charlottesville, VA “You must be kidding – we all know that sparkling wine originated in and around the Champagne region of France -that’s why it is called Champagne because that’s where the grapes are grown and the wine is made.” Only sparkling wine that comes from that specific region […]

August 7, 2020

How the English helped the French make Champagne

Dom Perignon, how the English Helped found French champagne


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