Spring’s Bounty: New Beginnings and Celebrations at Veritas

June 18, 2024

  1. Lisa Goehler says:

    Lovely newsletter, as always. And, welcome to the neighborhood! Literally as we live just up the road from you in “Jarman’s Gap Estates”. As you might guess, the name dates to the 1970s.

    Congratulations to Hailey!! My brother is an Naval Academy alum, class of ’85; in the “Dirty Thirty”, as his brigade (I think) was called. They distinguished themselves by singing as they marched. This surprised our family, as we weren’t aware that my brother could sing.

    Looking forward to the next newsletter, and more happy times at Veritas Vineyards!

  2. Dean Lohse says:

    Thanks for the, as always, well-written journal entry. Your granddaughters are beautiful, bright, and talented. I hope the move from the house on the hill went well and is a cause for celebration. Moves are always hard. We love you both and think of you often.

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